Ultimate Blog Challenge – Day 14

I  write in layers..that's how I see the world.. 
Like the movie Inception.. Worlds within words..
There exist many
U may come across one or two..
that others may never see..
Whatever you feel remember, is a reflection of the world you feel..

Personification of an EAR @ Kala Ghoda 2011 in a meditative pose.
I took this pic from the rear end of the statue

This is what I heard..what the ear felt.

“I listened to you
You blared your cacophony at me
I pleaded you to stop
You hurt me. I twitched.
I shrivelled and you didn’t stop
You shred my cloak of sanity
I shrieked. I cried. I almost died..
And Then I could hear nothing
Here I am.

All me. Bare.
Nothing to hide.
Nowhere to go, but here.

I turn my back
And you ridicule me.
Mock me.
Screeching loud that I am a blotch on your face
My whiteness blinds you
You try hard to erase me..
Cloak me in your dirt that you are..
Except that you can’t
No matter how hard you try
You can’t stain me..
It isn’t matter anymore..
All that remains...is just light”


Kajal Kapur said…
Its always like how we wish we never fall in love...because, whatever best we do... in the end we turn out colored... I love your poem...Thanks :)
that's the attitude we need to have.... no one can put a finger on us if we chose so... our soul is our property...
Me said…
Kajal, I like your interpretation.. This itself has many to me depending on my moods.. I realized I write without even thinking, as if my fingers have a mind of their own that I am consciously not aware of, and later at various phases of life.. the meaning changes and then again it makes sense.. Thank U :)

Princess Dear, Aptly put.. Our Soul is our Own, and no one can own it than us :D
Apala Sengupta said…
this is sheer elegance! a bliss! and i so agree with Little Princess, our soul is indeed our own. lets be proud of who we are :)
total grace... my life my rules.. your rules can take the highway.. really liked it :)
Unknown said…
It is awful when the first second your back is turned a person who should be kind and decent is revealed as anything but. Fortunately, eventually everything makes sense.

Bhavya N said…
I NEED to know when you were writing this, what was happening in your head? These lines of yours can be interpreted in so many ways that I'm really eager to know what your was :)
Bhavya N said…
I NEED to know when you were writing this, what was happening in your head? These lines of yours can be interpreted in so many ways that I'm really eager to know what your was :)
The message I got from your poem is our right to be who we are without allowing others to re-mould us to fit their expectations.
Richa Singh said…
firstly the kala ghoda festival is always such a bright affair no? and the poetry wow my friend Deepti what a briliantly crafted thing. Words often speak more about the person's inner being than anything else...

Pixie said…
I loved your poem. :)