Scent of a Woman
How many of us have seen this movie? It is Al Pacino at his best..a story about how inspite of being blind he is more sensitive to others via his amazing 5 senses led by his heart..
He talks about scent of each woman as being unique..and you know is true!!!
Next time try taking a whiff of the top notes that emanates from the scalp and hair of ladies in your life..Mum..Sister..Girlfriend. .Wife..Friend.. tell them what you are doing..before they fearfully conclude you are on drugs!!
Next time try taking a whiff of the top notes that emanates from the scalp and hair of ladies in your life..Mum..Sister..Girlfriend.
Try it on the day when she hasnt used any hair products..and take a whiff.. you will take time to identify..if you arent used to it mild ..but once u sense it..u will be filled with a sense of you knew it all along..u will be able to identify and differentiate it from the even changes a bit depending on the mood of your lady...
You can do the same for guys..when they are not enveloped in a combo of sweat n deo.
I love the scent of my brother..especially the way his non sweaty shirt smells..I infact used to wear his shirts when he was away on a trip or is a scent of and love..
for some reason..for my family it smells of differs . .i guess..if u have memories associated with smell..
We always end up judging people close to us..based on how they react..what our pals say when we discuss it with them...
Sometimes it feels as if anything can break our fragile no time..
But develop a bond via your senses..the way you feel when they hold you or the way they feel when you hug
.soon u will be able to recognize various mood states without saying a word with your senses..and those bonds will run deeper forever..
.soon u will be able to recognize various mood states without saying a word with your senses..and those bonds will run deeper forever..
And this isnt just about grown ups in a relationship..Infact this is how babies recognize different members of their your tiny tots realize you are in pain sad..happy..fearful..worried et al..They know cuz they sense it..
So go try that out and treasure these unique "sense memories"...
Share your experiences of sense memories you have had here..
Lots of love from me and here is a loving warm Hug
Lots of love from me and here is a loving warm Hug
However, I can relate to your post.
When I was a child, I remember hugging my grandmother, and there was a particular scent about her, of spices perhaps, mingled with sweat, but I could tell that she was around the place, with my eyes closed.
Cynthia.. I think even my olfactory nerves have got burnt by years of strong artificial odours.. My Grana smells and reminds me of chicken roast smell..and she thinks I might eat her in sleep. Welcome to my Blog :)
Apala Senses are magical that way..the way they hold on strong to our memories even after so many years.. ^~^
Bhavya Perfume.. I will check that out.. Unless for brutal violence..I dont get easily offended.. Thank you :)
Usha..Hi! That is wonderful!!! What is the sweet smell of?
how interesting!
I haven't seen that movie yet :-(